The enbloggening.

Mars. Europa. Rosetta.

(featured image, Seasonal Streaks, Mars HiRISE, NASA/JPL/U.Arizona via Astronomy Picture of the Day) Sometimes it really does feel like we’re living in the future. As a kid, growing up, I remember reading Astronomy magazine back in the late 70s and early 80s. The eggheads at NASA and the JPL (mad hearts!) had our future all mapped-out […]

Editing from the Surface of Titan

Yesterday, NASA released the most complete view of the largest moon in our solar system. A false-color composite taken on November 13th at high altitude. Cassini used its infrared, moderate resolution camera system. allowing it to see through the thick hydrocarbon atmosphere. The 1KM/px resolution image shows landmasses, dunes and liquid lakes of methane. Hard […]