The enbloggening.

Editing from the Surface of Titan

Yesterday, NASA released the most complete view of the largest moon in our solar system. A false-color composite taken on November 13th at high altitude. Cassini used its infrared, moderate resolution camera system. allowing it to see through the thick hydrocarbon atmosphere. The 1KM/px resolution image shows landmasses, dunes and liquid lakes of methane. Hard […]

Fusible Metal Hydrogen

Hey. How’s your weekend? Mine’s alright, thanks. The other day, Charles Stross wrote a screed about The Things One Must Not Do in science fiction in order to maintain his suspension of disbelief. These things are pretty much a laundry list of Things I used in Trajectory Book 1. The coincidence made me chuckle while […]

Dakota, 2002-2015

We lost our beloved greyhound Dakota last week. Born Farshur from a long line of pedigreed racers dating back to the early 1800s, she came to us via the good people at MGAP in Moncton in 2009. After suffering problems with her teeth and a long struggle with arthritis, she finally succumbed to chronic kidney […]

While I was away…

Last last week, while I was driving around Newfoundland, the collective hallucination that is our global economy took a pretty big beating. Greece tried to quit the Eurozone but somehow got pulled back in, despite a significant vote by her population to pull the D-ring and go their own way. I can only imagine that’ll […]