The enbloggening.

Trajectory Book 2 Launch Day

Reports are coming in that Trajectory Book 2 is landing on Kindles all over the planet… Well hello thar Trajectory Book 2. — Justin Dolske (@dolske) June 7, 2016 Well, on Kindles owned by people named Justin at the very least (hi @justinmm2!). If you preordered, you should be getting a copy too. Book 1 […]

Trajectory Book 2, release June 7, 2016

Trajectory Book 2 v1.0 is now uploaded and standing by, waiting to be auto-delivered to your Kindle on June 7th, 2016. If you haven’t got a copy yet, you can get your own for the introductory price of $4.99US, $5.99CAN. You can still buy it on release day if you’re not into the whole paying-for-something-before-you-can-get-it thing. To […]

Trajectory Book 2 Available for Preorder

Trajectory Book 2 is now available for preorder on Amazon Kindle (US, Canada), priced at $4.99 US. Full release is scheduled for June 7, 2016 and will be $5.99. I’d release it sooner, but still need to do a final read-through and cleanup plus a couple of minor additions. It’s clocking in at 125k words […]

Trajectory Book 2 Update: Almost There

Trajectory Book 2 logo

Yesterday, I dropped a little teaser tweet: #teaser Trajectory Book 2 is near… #kindle #books — robcee (@robcee) April 25, 2016 That tasty morsel means that last Friday I finished the major rewrites (aka PROJECT INFILL) and some tidying up around the edges. It was a bigger project than I expected and ended up introducing […]

Trajectory Book 1 v1.5, and a Book 2 status report

Just a quick note: I’ve just updated Trajectory Book 1 on Amazon (US, Can) and Smashwords to v1.5. This contains all the most-recent edits (aka “bugfixes”) and should be propagating out on all platforms over the course of the day. If you’ve just bought a copy, I recommend poking your reading device to get the […]

Trajectory Book 1 featured on Wattpad

Trajectory Book 1 hit a pretty big milestone yesterday on Wattpad. It is now a featured story in their highly-competitive Science Fiction category. I love charts and graphs, and it’s still too early to know what this will mean for mine, but I’ve already seen a bunch of new faces adding me to their reading lists. What […]

Editing from the Surface of Titan

Yesterday, NASA released the most complete view of the largest moon in our solar system. A false-color composite taken on November 13th at high altitude. Cassini used its infrared, moderate resolution camera system. allowing it to see through the thick hydrocarbon atmosphere. The 1KM/px resolution image shows landmasses, dunes and liquid lakes of methane. Hard […]

Fusible Metal Hydrogen

Hey. How’s your weekend? Mine’s alright, thanks. The other day, Charles Stross wrote a screed about The Things One Must Not Do in science fiction in order to maintain his suspension of disbelief. These things are pretty much a laundry list of Things I used in Trajectory Book 1. The coincidence made me chuckle while […]